Category Archives: Discover Your Purpose

Is it possible NOT to live your purpose?

Is it possible NOT to live your purpose?

I’m tired of the guilt-based approaches that many experts are using on the idea of “living your purpose”, don’t you?

 Instead of helping us live more meaningful, inspired, and satisfying lives, expressing our purpose has almost become a chore:

 Another task to add to our already full to-do-list, another reason to feel like a failure, and think that we are falling behind because honestly,…

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Know yourself: What are INFPs and ENFPs the best at?

Understanding ourselves is a key element of choosing the perfect career or building the business that is right for you.

One of the most common tools used to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves it’s called the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.

Based on Carl Jung’s theories, this framework shows us that there are 16 different types of people, depending on how they prefer to make decisions and gather information.

Of course, each individual is unique, but these 16 groups are helpful in guiding us discover how we prefer to use our minds.

And relative to your career or business path, it can point towards where your biggest contribution may lay.

This article is inspired by a question that Julia Barnickle Continue reading

What if you can’t find your passion?

I’ve discovered an interesting fact after years of helping others find their contribution: Not everyone can relate to the idea of having a passion.

And it’s not because they aren’t interested in living with a higher sense of joy and aliveness.
It’s mostly because we use different words to describe our experiences…
…and words, at times, can be an obstacle.

That reminds me of my first Continue reading

Don’t quit your job while you still hate it

Don’t quit your job while you still hate itHas your job ruined your Sunday nights? Yeah, with that feeling of dread you get about having to come back to work the next morning because quite frankly… you hate every minute of it.

If this is you, what I’m about to share is exactly what you need the most, (even though it won’t be easy to hear)

Don’t quit your job yet.
There is a bit of healing (and wisdom gathering) you need to do before you leave.

I know, I know. That is a tough one to swallow, but there is a good reason why I say so.
Let me explain. Continue reading

Top 5 Personality Test (part 4): Handwriting analysis

(In this article series I’m sharing the pros and cons of my favorite personality tests. You can find parts 1, 2 and 3 by visiting this link The best personality tests for career happiness:)

I was on a train on my way to the Uni when I saw a familiar face among the crowd. My high school math teacher, whom I hadn’t seen for years, was standing next to the door, on the right side of the wagon.

I went to greet her:
– Hi, Do you remember me? I’m Charo Pinilla. I was a student of yours a few years ago”

-Oh, I know who you are. I remember you handwriting! Continue reading

Top 5 personality tests (part 2): Discover your strengths with the Strengths Finder Assesstment

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase: “Play to your Strengths”
But has anyone ever encouraged you to do exactly that?

Lucky you if you had that kind of support around you, but I doubt it. It’s not very common.

So what are exactly your strengths?

Marcus Buckingham, author of “Now. Discover your strengths” and “Go put your strengths to work” defines strengths as those activities that when you do them leaves you feeling energized.

The thing is, how do you find your strengths? Continue reading

Top 5 Personality Tests Series: (Part 1) Multiple Intelligences

best-personality-testsIn my last article, I shared with you what I consider to be the most useful personality tests.
I’ve found them and used them all myself in my quest for purpose.

I believe that understanding yourself (and others) is a must if you’re serious about creating a fulfilling career and life.

Because it’s impossible to choose a path in alignment with your authentic self when you have no idea who you truly are, right?

Today starts a series of articles where Continue reading

Career Personality Test: The best personality tests for career happiness

best personality testsYou’ll never be happy in a career that is misaligned with your values or doesn’t allow you to play to your strengths. Period.

And so, many of us ended up at the wrong career because we lacked enough clarity about who we are and what’s important to us. Because, to put it simply, knowing who you are is an essential requirement for career happiness. Continue reading

3 Questions that will keep you stuck in career confusion (and what to ask instead)

When dealing with matters that affect our future, happiness and safety, (and making a career change will influence those three) our rational minds tend to go into overdrive.

The mind, in its attempt to make things safer for us, can easily over complicate things.
We do that by asking the wrong questions, questions that will keep us stuck in analysis paralysis.  I know that’s typically true for me.

There are 3 questions in particular that need some tweaking Continue reading

(FREE resource) Are you struggling to figure out what you’d love to be doing with your life

If you feel stuck because you still don’t know what you want to be doing with your life this FREE resource is for you.

Our minds are incredible tools. When we give them the right questions, they’ll do the best to help us find the answer.

Our Inner Wisdom will communicate with us through coincidences, dreams, memories, inspirations and intuitions.
But we need to give it a focus first. And that’s why I’ve created this fun tool:

Introducing you to the Career Clarity Cards

I’ve designed a beautiful series of cards. Each one has one question to Continue reading