Category Archives: Your Ideal Clients

How to understand who your ideal clients are (with the help of archetypes)

How to understand who your ideal clients are

The purpose of your business is to help people solve a certain problem. 
We agree on that, right?

The next thing you need to be crystal clear about is who you want to help. 

And you want to find it out as soon as possible, because…

  • How will you know where they gather?
  • How will you know what topics to write about that are of interest to them?
  • How will you know where to share your content?

Without knowing who you serve, trying to connect with them is all guesswork!

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On why your business is not just about you

On why your business is not just about you
On why your business is not just about you

I got into business because I wanted to do something I cared about.

Besides that, I had been reading books on living your purpose which made me realized I wasn’t living mine.

So when I hit bottom, tired of having to hide part of who I was, I took the leap to follow my passion.

Maybe you resonate with that too.

Looking at it in hindsight, it all sounds a bit selfish now, don’t you think?

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Your Ideal Client: Where can you find your ideal clients?

Your Ideal Client: Where can you find your ideal clients?

When you are in business, (and you are the minute you start charging for your coaching, consulting or healing), you need to know who your ideal clients are.

As I shared in my article: Understand who your ideal clients are, a lot of your business success depends on you figuring that out.

So many decisions are based on who your clients are, from the type of content you’ll create, the topics you’ll cover, to the problems you’ll solve with your services. Because all is tied to who your ideal clients are, the sooner you figure out who you love to work with, the better.

You might need a bit of experience working with people before you can identify commonalities between them, but you can also use Continue reading

Your Ideal Clients: A Neuroscience tip to connect authentically with your clients

Our minds are incredible problem-solving devices. From the million of things going on around us, they only pay attention to those that are relevant to us at the moment.

Have you ever bought a new car, only to see if everywhere afterwards? Or your best friend shares with you she’s pregnant and all of a sudden you notice every future mum wherever you go?

This happens due to what neuroscientists call the Continue reading