Tag Archives: depth psychology

Grow your business with the help of your dreams

Grow your business with the help of your dreams

Running a business involves making decisions. A lot. 

-Will it be good to participate in this giveaway?
-What product should I offer next? 

Most times deciding it’s not easy. Either we lack enough information, lack enough objectivity, or talk ourselves into something …only to regret it later.

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Using dreams for guidance in uncertain times

Using dreams for guidance in uncertain times

How would you like to have a personal mentor, guiding you on your path, warning you about impending dangers, and helping you choose the right projects? 

And what if this mentor was available to you for any issue, without asking for money in return? 

Most people don’t know it, but we all have access to this type of help.

Call it intuition, your Higher Self, or a deeper intelligence…

the thing is we all have it. And receiving its wisdom is just a matter of learning how to communicate with it. 

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Lockdown lessons from Madrid (3 things that are helping me to cope)

Lockdown lessons from Madrid (3 things that are helping me to cope)

The noise from four active children -my neighbors in the upstairs apartment- woke me up this morning. 

I don’t blame them.

No doubt the argument was about very important to four children who’ve been in lockdown for three weeks in a row.

We are starting our fourth week of confinement, and the government has approved this week to keep it two more weeks. Let’s see if that’s enough.

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Your message: 3 Brain-based facts that will help you craft a more memorable message

3 Brain based facts that will help you craft a more memorable message
3 Brain based facts that will help you craft a more memorable message

We carry within us the wisdom gathered by our ancestors. From the very beginning of our species, two million years ago, all the lessons on how to survive and thrive go stored in us.

It’s fascinating to discover we still carry that information in our DNA and our brain…

But what’s more interesting to me is Continue reading

On why your business is not just about you

On why your business is not just about you
On why your business is not just about you

I got into business because I wanted to do something I cared about.

Besides that, I had been reading books on living your purpose which made me realized I wasn’t living mine.

So when I hit bottom, tired of having to hide part of who I was, I took the leap to follow my passion.

Maybe you resonate with that too.

Looking at it in hindsight, it all sounds a bit selfish now, don’t you think?

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How to feel more comfortable marketing your services

How to feel more comfortable marketing your services
How to feel more comfortable marketing your services

It’s very common to feel bad about putting ourselves out there.

We know we have to spread the word about our work but we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves with the big names in our industry and end up thinking we’re not good enough as we are.

When I created this blog back in 2013, I was full of doubts, even though I had been in business for several years with another blog.
I had thoughts like:

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What happens when you outgrow your business?

What happens when you outgrow your business?
What happens when you outgrow your business?

The truth is we are constantly changing. Most of the times that growth is small, so gradual we don’t even notice it.
Other times is more abrupt. We can feel the growing pains both physically and energetically, in our bones as much as in our psyche.

As a child, I used to suffer from tonsillitis a lot. I had to miss school and stay in bed, with high fever,  for a few days. Invariably, every time that happened I would come out of it a bit taller.

It’s something typical of childhood: the “growth spurt”. There was something in the fact of getting ill that allowed us not only to recover but also to physically grow.

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Brand Alignment: How to add depth and meaning to your brand

I’m sure you’ve noticed it, too. We’re exposed to so much information that we pay less and less attention to any of it.

Our brains, in order to cope with this information overload, have learned to shut down and filter everything that is irrelevant to us.

So almost everything is ignored.

The same is true for your clients, by the way. They scroll through their feeds, ignoring most of what they see and hear.

And that’s a huge problem for those of us in business, because…

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