Tag Archives: career clarity

Top 5 personality tests (part 2): Discover your strengths with the Strengths Finder Assesstment

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase: “Play to your Strengths”
But has anyone ever encouraged you to do exactly that?

Lucky you if you had that kind of support around you, but I doubt it. It’s not very common.

So what are exactly your strengths?

Marcus Buckingham, author of “Now. Discover your strengths” and “Go put your strengths to work” defines strengths as those activities that when you do them leaves you feeling energized.

The thing is, how do you find your strengths? Continue reading

Career Change Ideas: 5 Universal Laws of Career Fulfillment

5 universal laws of career fulfillmentYou want to enjoy fulfilling work, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article, right?
But when you are planning a career change, how do you know if a the new career you are considering moving into, will be fulfilling for you or not?

Either if you are planning a career change or if you urgently need to feel better in your current job, knowing these 5 career fulfillment laws will help you. Continue reading

Career Change: How to avoid making a career change mistake, again!

How to avoid making a career changeFor those of us changing careers in midlife, choosing our next career path feels like we are making the ULTIMATE decision.

We are well aware of the time, effort and money we devoted in our younger years to become an expert on the field that is no longer fulfilling for us.

So if you ask me, “Is there anything worst than staying in a meaningless job?”

I’d say: Continue reading

3 Questions that will keep you stuck in career confusion (and what to ask instead)

When dealing with matters that affect our future, happiness and safety, (and making a career change will influence those three) our rational minds tend to go into overdrive.

The mind, in its attempt to make things safer for us, can easily over complicate things.
We do that by asking the wrong questions, questions that will keep us stuck in analysis paralysis.  I know that’s typically true for me.

There are 3 questions in particular that need some tweaking Continue reading

Career Change: The 3 step process for a peaceful career change

peaceful career changeInner peace is one of my most cherished values. Maybe because I feel things too much, I’m all about doing things with the least amount of emotional pain as possible.

But when it comes to making a career change, you know as well as I do, we are up for an emotional roller coaster. So what can we do?

In my experience as a career coach, and simplifying things a bit, I’ve noticed that there are 3 steps than, when followed sequentially, ease away lots of our career change fears.

And interestingly enough, Continue reading

Do what you love: How to figure out what you want to be doing with your life

How to figure outWhen it comes to finding clarity about what it is you want to be doing with your life, there are two major lines of thought.

And interestingly enough, noticing which one resonates the most with you will tell you things about your personality.

Are you curious to know more? Let me share Continue reading