Category Archives: Overcome your Fears

What my thyroid taugh me about doing work I love

Back then in 2002, I was working as an Architect.

After everything I had invested to get there: the long years, tons of personal effort and money into getting my credentials…  I wasn’t happy.

Everyone around me thought I was living the dream, but honestly, it was all just a facade.
I was feeling very miserable, knowing I was compromising a huge part of who I was just to Continue reading

How to overcome your fear of change (a weird personal story)

Who hasn’t been stuck for days and days because what you needed to do was stirring some uncomfortable feelings?
As a highly sensitive person myself, one of the biggest obstacles I’ve encountered in my life and my career, is my own emotional distress.

I’ve never shared this publicly before, but in my previous career as a Building Engineer I had to deal with my own fear, ALL the time.

Part of my job, consisted of Continue reading

How to take a break from your career frustration

career-frustrationWhen you are desperate and in pain, you’re not in your most resourceful state. You’ll just try to stop feeling so bad, as quickly as possible, and won’t be able to see all the possibilities that lay in front of you.

Any career decision you make in a state like that, will probably also be one that you’ll later regret.

That’s why you need to detach from your career problem as much as possible, and create Continue reading

Career Transition series: 3 Questions you must consider before quitting your day job

Few life decisions are as scary as making a career change.

The good news is we can do a couple things to ease those fears. And not only that, we can use them to pave a greater future for ourselves.

I’m specially referring to 3 key questions that, if you find clarity about them way before you quit your job, you’ll avoid a lot of emotional turmoil in your career transition. Continue reading

Career Change: Is this the right time to quit your job?

Are you daydreaming about quitting your job, leaving your boss behind and gaining a new sense of freedom?

I know that’s a recurring thought of those who feel trapped in a meaningless job.

But figuring out if this is the right time to do it or not, it’s trickier than it seems.

In this blog series, you’ll find some ideas to help you make a wise decision. Continue reading

Career Change 101: The 3 Basic Pillars to a fulfilling and financially viable career

 pillars career changeAs a coach, I’ve become a bit obsessed with finding the perfect questions.

Questions are powerful tools since they help our minds to focus. And when we focus, inspiring ideas and powerful insights can come to us that have the potential to change our lives for the better.
That’s the beauty of coaching.

But at times, questions seem to “find” me.

Recently, a friend asked me this:
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Career Change: Top 3 lessons I learned from my own career change

change career lessonsIt’s about time for me to tell you a bit more about my own career change journey; when in 2002 I found myself so physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted that I finally had to admit to myself that something had to change…and quickly.

So let me share with you the top 3 lessons I got from it, since they will help you navigate your own career transition and avoid some of the pitfalls that you will surely encounter along the way. Continue reading

Career Change: How to avoid making a career change mistake, again!

How to avoid making a career changeFor those of us changing careers in midlife, choosing our next career path feels like we are making the ULTIMATE decision.

We are well aware of the time, effort and money we devoted in our younger years to become an expert on the field that is no longer fulfilling for us.

So if you ask me, “Is there anything worst than staying in a meaningless job?”

I’d say: Continue reading

Career Change: The 3 step process for a peaceful career change

peaceful career changeInner peace is one of my most cherished values. Maybe because I feel things too much, I’m all about doing things with the least amount of emotional pain as possible.

But when it comes to making a career change, you know as well as I do, we are up for an emotional roller coaster. So what can we do?

In my experience as a career coach, and simplifying things a bit, I’ve noticed that there are 3 steps than, when followed sequentially, ease away lots of our career change fears.

And interestingly enough, Continue reading

Career Change: Is this one of your biggest career change fears?

career fearsWhenever we make a career change, we’re confronted with the need to let go.

Maybe it is the need to letting go of your current role, so you can embrace a new one at a different company; but it might also mean letting go of a more cherished part of who you are.

I’m talking about your Continue reading