Category Archives: Overcome your Fears

The Inner Process of Making a Career Change Part 1

Inner process 1In every career change, there is always the wish to improve, to find ourselves in a better situation. We might be longing for a higher sense of meaning, or more freedom, or whatever.

However, we don’t know that before we are fully ready to embrace our new career, we need to let go of the old role we’ve been playing. And surprisingly, that’s harder to do than it might seem at first glance.

Letting go is part of the inner process of making any change.

Author William Bridges says in his book “Transitions” that most people are reluctant to admit Continue reading

Career change: Similarities between love and choosing your ideal career path

love your ideal careerReality Shows never cease to surprise me … in a bad way.

The latest crazy idea I’ve seen advertised is a show called “Blind date”, where a couple of total strangers get married on their first date.

Can you imagine?
They haven’t even had time to feel any kind of physical attraction, much less to get to know each other enough to believe they could enjoy sharing their lives together.

Call me old fashioned but way before I even considered getting married to whom is now my hubby, we knew each other pretty well (and I guess 16 happy years together mean we did something right when we chose each other)

While this show is probably only fiction, and nobody gets married with anyone, the truth is we tend to approach our career choices in a very similar fashion.

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Tapping anxiety away: What if nobody shows up to my event?

Are you planning or preparing an event but worried that nobody will come? If you feel the anxiety in our body as you get closer to the day of your event, this audio is perfect for you.

I’ve created this tapping sequence to help you release the fears, worries, self-doubts that all of us go through as the day of the event approaches.

With this sequence my intention is to help you feel calmer so you enjoy the whole process of running your event, not only while you do it but even before you do it.

This audio is free to all my subscribers during the month of july., Each month I share one eft tapping script recorded as an mp3. If you still haven’t subscribed, get your free monthly audio by visiting: Monthly Tapping Tips for Inner Peace in your Business

How to get unstuck with (almost) anything

get-it-done2When you run a biz based on your purpose, (by definition built upon your natural talents), most of the things you’ll have to do to run it smoothly, will be things you enjoy doing.

But from time to time, you’ll get stuck with things. No matter how good your intentions, some of those tasks will be a challenge to finish.

There are many reasons you might get stuck and unable to get things done: It can be just a lack of Continue reading

3 Quick tips for dealing with the emotional ups and downs of building a business

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emotional-roller-coasterBuilding a business has caused intense emotional roller coaster rides in my life. Who would have imagined that the solution I was envisioning for getting rid of my work problems would have this dark side? I had the idea that working for myself will be my ticket out of mobbing from bosses, lack of meaning in my job or feeling forced to Continue reading

How to avoid dissappointment when clients don’t show up

How to avoidDo you hold this secret dream?
You prepared a brochure, or maybe some beautiful postcards, talking about what you do. You took up all the courage you had and left them everywhere you could think of: yoga centers, health food stores, you name it.

Now fingers crossed, hopefully those brochures will make its magic and clients will start showing up… except that days pass by and Continue reading