Tag Archives: Mark Waldman

My thoughts on how to deal with this -or any- crisis (covid-19)

My thoughts on how to deal with this -or any- crisis (covid-19)

I’m homebound in my city, a few kilometers south of Madrid, while I write this. All of us in Spain are staying at home to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. 

The whole world is on alert, trying to stop the Covid-19 pandemic as best we can.

Most of us have never seen anything like this in our lifetimes, right?
At least not in the developed countries.

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Why we need to communicate from our values (and how to do it)

Why we need to communicate from our values

At the time of writing this article (August 2019), more than four million one hundred and forty-seven blog posts are being published today, according to worldometers.

That can be a good thing.

It means you literally have information about every topic under the sun at your fingertips.

But as it’s always the case, this saturation of information also has a shadow side:

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