Tag Archives: dreams

Using dreams for guidance in uncertain times

Using dreams for guidance in uncertain times

How would you like to have a personal mentor, guiding you on your path, warning you about impending dangers, and helping you choose the right projects? 

And what if this mentor was available to you for any issue, without asking for money in return? 

Most people don’t know it, but we all have access to this type of help.

Call it intuition, your Higher Self, or a deeper intelligence…

the thing is we all have it. And receiving its wisdom is just a matter of learning how to communicate with it. 

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My thoughts on how to deal with this -or any- crisis (covid-19)

My thoughts on how to deal with this -or any- crisis (covid-19)

I’m homebound in my city, a few kilometers south of Madrid, while I write this. All of us in Spain are staying at home to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. 

The whole world is on alert, trying to stop the Covid-19 pandemic as best we can.

Most of us have never seen anything like this in our lifetimes, right?
At least not in the developed countries.

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Intuition in Business: How I use dreams to guide me on my business

How I use dreams to guide me on my business

Dreams can be a source of guidance, both in life and in business.

I’ve always been curious about dreams. Partly because I’ve had them since I can remember, and partly because dreams helped me cope with a difficult time in my teenage years.

Since then I’ve discovered that dreams come from a deep source of wisdom within us Jung called the Self, an aspect of ourselves that wants the best for us, and is constantly encouraging us to become all that we can be.

Interestingly enough, dreams can also help us in business.

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