Brand Archetypes: How I re-align my business with my values

How I re-align my business with my values

2020 is finally gone. 
Au revoir. Auf Wierdersehen. Adiós.

I’m well aware that 2021 can be to 2020 what Rogue One was to the Star Wars Saga: one of the most expensive films ever made, and profoundly disappointing nevertheless.

But what if it were more like baby Yoda in The Mandalorians? So cuddly that I can’t stop smiling every time I see him?

Most probably, 2021 will bring a bit of both.

So the question is, what can we do to make the most out of it?

Glad you asked because there is something to the New Year that we all feel. It brings a renewed sense of possibilities and potential. A new hope -like the old Star Wars movie. A new beginning.

Archetypes in action: The psychology of new beginnings

As days start to grow longer, just a tiny bit but longer nevertheless, a spark gets kindled in our souls: the promise that life will return. And that spark is enough to help us endure the hardship of winter. And…

…every fiber of our being knows that. It’s archetypal.

Psychologically this has deep implications. Because all those symbols get active in your mind, even if you are not aware of them, with new hopes for the future. Suddenly, new mental energy is available to us. Our motivation increases, and we’re able to plan for what’s to come.

It’s a great time to plant new seeds, both for your life and for your business, and ask yourself: “What would help me grow a stronger, healthier, and more fulfilling business this year?”

This is how I do it, and you are invited to play along with me. 

How I review my business with the help of archetypes

Every January, I like to review my strategies, refresh my message, and reconnect with my inspiration. 

Do I still feel motivated by my business? Or is there anything I need to let go of? Are my actions moving towards what I want? Or have I missed my North Star along the way? I focus on three things because they have the biggest impact on any business.

My tip for you: Double check these things are in alignment with your vision and values, and you’ll be good to go. The first one is…

1. Your Inspiration

It might seem weird to start with something as intangible as inspiration. But honestly? It’s the fuel that puts everything else into motion… and the only thing that will keep you moving forward when things get tough.

Because things get tough. (-Hello 2020. I still remember your dirty face).

Inspiration, or motivation if you prefer, is the voice of your true purpose speaking to you. It comes straight from your core, guiding you to become all that you can be. And archetypes my friend, are one of the best ways I know to get in touch with that core. 

Who are you called to be this year? Your archetypes will tell you. That’s why I re-take the Archetype Assessment every single year. (You can take my archetype assessment here, and find out which archetypes are guiding you right now. It’s free, by the way.)

What I’ve found by taking the assessment again is that the Seeker archetype continues to be strong in me this year. She’s nudging me to keep freedom, discovery, and authenticity as my top values. The Seeker makes me curious about anything related to how we humans behave. 

I’m endlessly inspired to discover what makes us unique, what drives our behavior, and why we act the way we do. Hence my interest in dreamwork, symbols, and Jungian psychology in general. It all makes sense when I look at myself through the lens of archetypes, right?

Surprisingly, I’ve discovered that the Sage archetype is taking a more active role in my life. 

I kind of knew something was shifting in me when the people I’ve been following for years stopped resonating with me. I was questioning their suggestions and getting impatient with their jargon.  

The Sage archetype is nudging me to focus my teachings only on proven methods and solid truths., and also to communicate as clearly as I can. Her values are understanding and clarity. 

See how it works?

Once you know which archetypes are guiding you, filter all your business decisions through their values. 

For example, These are some of the questions I will ask about every business strategy, tactic, or goal I’m considering to implement in my business this year:

  • What topics will I love to explore this year?
  • How can I show up more authentically?
  • How can I help people better understand themselves?
  • What misconceptions does my Sage feel compelled to dispel? 

But this is not the only aspect of your business to review, The other one is…

2. Your Message

The online space has become a very crowded one. Everyone is online, posting so much content on every single social media channel that it’s almost impossible to get heard these days.

In this saturated, noisy world, having a resonant message is a must. If you don’t, no matter how many articles you write, how many videos you share, or how many ads you pay for, people still won’t notice your work. 

The truth is, you are never done with your message. It’s an ongoing process. And it’s time well invested because the more clarity you gain about what ideal clients value from you, the easier it is to talk about what you do, and the more attention your work gets.

These are the questions you can ask yourself:

  • Is my message clear enough? 
  • Am I using too much jargon? 
  • Is it too inspirational and ungrounded? 
  • Am I using the language my people understand?

Again, using myself as an example, this is how I’ve simplified my message. From: “Helping heart-centered solopreneurs to differentiate and stand out with authenticity, integrity, and soul.” to “I help coaches, therapists and healers talk about their work so perfect fit clients get it.”

It’s more specific and more conversational, don’t you think?

As my archetypes suggest, it’s also more in aligned with my values of authenticity and clarity.

And the last aspect of your business I encourage you to review is this:

3. Your Strategies

Having a resonant message is a must…but it’s only the first step. Then you need to share it with the world. And that means you need to put the time and attention to actively distribute your content. 

These questions will help you evaluate how well you are spreading the word about your work. 

  • When and where am I sharing my content? 
  • Am I publishing it in the right places?
  • Am I sharing something useful frequently enough?
  • What is working? what isn’t?

When I answered these questions last week, I noticed that I am creating a big piece of content every single week, but I’m not sharing enough small pieces to promote it. So that has become one of my goals for this year. Chunking down my big articles into smaller bits and tips that I can share more frequently on different social media.

As you can see here, every step of the process is around being more authentic when showing up, and everything starts by understanding who your archetypes are inspiring you to become.

So if you haven’t done it yet, I encourage you to take the Archetype Assessment. If you want to discuss it with me, I will be offering 5 free 30-minute coaching sessions. Yes, real coaching sessions with me. 

No selling during the call. Just pure me helping you understand the results of your archetype assessment.

(But there are only 5 sessions available, on a first-come-first-serve basis. so if you are interested, please go here and reserve your spot.)

It’s my way of honoring the archetype of new beginnings, and also honoring your intention to bring more light into the world through your work.

Wishing you, fellow padawan, the best for 2021.
With love.
