Tag Archives: your niche

Be known as an expert by niching down (on a topic you love)

Be known as an expert by niching down (on a topic you love)

When you have lots of interests, It seems impossible to focus on just one thing. Multi-passionate people are in a never-ending quest for growth and learning.

We are very curious -yep, that’s also me- so we keep adding more and more techniques to our toolbox, right?

So when we finally take our business seriously,  like in “ -Hey, Now I really need to make money with this”, one of the first pieces of advice we encounter is to niche down. 

And it sounds sooooo restrictive!

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About me and my writing -a blog challenge

Coaches are known for asking a lot of questions. I’m curious by nature, you see, so it only made sense that I ended up becoming one.

Questions are valuable, but only if you ask the right ones.
For example, from all the telesummits I’ve listened to along the years, one has really stood up among all. And the reason was that they kept asking the same powerful questions to all the participants. It was great, and finally gave me a wonderful global understanding of the topic.

So when Nina Lenton shared this “chain of questions” blog post challenge, it got me interested right away.

And you know what? If you are not able to answer these questions for your own business (or soon to be business) it means Continue reading

The 3 foundational elements you absolutely MUST have clarity about before launching your biz.

3 foundations Most heart-centered professionals take their first steps into entrepreneurship with a very incomplete vision of what they really need to build a business. No doubt they put a lot of love, time and effort to lauch it, but then they spend months struggling because nobody seems to want what they have to offer. Ouch!

The reason why this happens is because they lack a real clarity about the 3 foundational elements upon which every sustainable biz is built upon.

Yes, most probably than not, these caring, heart-centered professionals took the time to do a bit of soul-search: Continue reading