The 4 healing qualities of your content

The 4 healing qualities of your content

When you do transformational work, your main goal is helping people.

In your practice, as a coach, healer or holistic practitioner of any kind, you support people who want to change their lives.

And you probably think that your work with a person begins when she shows up, when she says “yes” to working with you, and she officially becomes a client.

What if that wasn’t the case?

This is how I see it…

People’s healing journey with you can begin much sooner. It can start the very moment they come across a piece of your content and decide to read it -or watch it.

You can make an impact in their lives right there and then…

Because your content, when created from the heart, can be a source of healing.

Let me explain.

The 4 healing qualities of your content

I’ve identified 4 healing qualities that you can infuse your content with so people’s journey of transformation can begin much sooner than you thought.

1) Your content can bring… Hope

If you look at your inbox or at your Social Media feeds you’ll see one thing: Most posts bring us hope. That content wants to inspire us to the possibility of living a better life.

And there is a psychological reason for it.

As humans, we are motivated by one of these two things:

  • Moving away from pain, or
  • Moving towards what we want.

And the feeling of hope moves us towards what we want.

Your content can bring a sense of hope to others. Click To Tweet

Now. How can you infuse your content with hope?  

To inspire people and bring them hope you have to show them there is a way out of their problems. Let them know there is a path. A path others have walked before.

But hope alone is not enough. And then…

2) Your content can be a source of… Comfort

I remember one day at a hospital.

I was there with my mum for one of the many radiation sessions she would get there. But on that day I was particularly anxious. First, it was still a pretty unfamiliar place for me. And second, I was weirdly alone in this old-looking, windowless waiting room, two floors below ground level.

That’s when I noticed a little sign hanging on a wall. It said: “Please, make yourself a warm drink. Courtesy of the AECC*”

And then I saw a little coffee table, just below the sign, covered with plastic glasses, coffee and tea bags, a jar of milk and another with hot water.

Just two sentences, but they meant a lot to me at that time, I felt as if an invisible hand was squeezing mine when I needed it the most. And I started to cry.

Your content can be a source of comfort in tough times. Click To Tweet

And yes, I poured myself a chamomile tea, one of the most nourishing teas I’ve ever had, by the way. I’m still emotional remembering it.

But I was hesitant about sharing this memory with you because it is so personal. The thing is, I can’t ask you to be generous with your sharing if I’m not, right? So I trust someone needed to read this today.

Please, don’t underestimate the healing power of your words.  Someone might come across an article or a video you’ve created, and get much-needed comfort from it. 

How you can infuse your content with comfort:

Every time you create your content, help people feel understood. Then be generous and give them something useful they might need. A tip, a step, a thing they can implement right away.

Respect their time. Show them you care. Empathize with them.

And now to the third healing quality:

3) Your content can be a source of… Truth

Many holistic practitioners and coaches don’t want to be negative.

We’ve been brainwashed with this idea that we must keep “bad feelings” and “negative vibes” at bay.

The problem with that? We can’t be honest, and tell things as they are.

It’s so rampant that I haven’t been able to promote one of my posts in social media because according to their policy my article could make people feel bad. (Hint: the more reason for you to sign up for my weekly ezine if you don’t want to miss any of my articles).

In my experience, it’s exactly the opposite: “Telling the truth is healing.”

What really matters is how you deliver that truth: as long as you do it with gentleness and compassion, it’s ok to tell the truth.

So let me give you a few truths here:

Creating content is not easy. It takes time, persistence and humility. And it may not give you the visibility results and clients you expect from it in the short term.

But you know what? It can also be incredibly rewarding when someone emails you because one of your articles has being life changing.

So please, keep doing it, in a sustainable way for you.

How to infuse your content with Truth:

From time to time, share the frustrations and fears you encountered in your journey, especially the ones you were able to overcome.

Your audience will appreciate reading about the reality of what it takes to achieve their goals. Knowing that others who are further ahead in the road, felt exactly as we do today, it’s a complete relief!

Which leads me to the last quality. 

That your content can foster …

4) Your content can be a source of… Self Acceptance

We are OK as we are, but we tend to forget.

The “comparisson-itis” habit is wildly spread, and it is causing lots of self doubts and shame especially among heart-centered folks. But most of the times, there are multiple reasons why we still haven’t achieved our goals. And the “I’m not good enough to…” is almost never the real reason.

So, what if you could reassure your people that there is nothing wrong with them?

There is nothing wrong with you either, by the way.

So please, remind your people that there is nothing wrong with them. Remind them that achieving their goals takes time, effort, persistence…and a bit of “know-how”, too.

You can take that inner pressure of your reader’s shoulders by pointing to the real cause of where they are, and the steps they need to take…
…preferably with you, right?

And now it’s your turn to infuse your content with these healing qualities. So let me ask you:

Which one of these qualities does your people need to receive the most? And Which will be easier for you to infuse your content with?

And again, let me use this article as an invitation to sign up for my weekly ezine. That way you’ll never miss any of my articles, no matter how “inappropriate” social media companies think they are. 😉

1- AECC* stands for “Asociación Española Contra el Cancer” (Spanish Association Against Cancer).

(This article was originally published on August 19, 2019. Updated on November 9, 2021.)