Category Archives: Find Your Business Idea

Path Pointer #2: Don’t get caught up in semantics

Have you already found your passion? Because not knowing what you’re passionate about is one the biggest stumbling blocks people encounter in their journey to doing what they love.

It’s something so foundational (and frustrating) that keeps most of us stuck for more than we would be willing to admit.

-“But why, Charo?” -you may be wondering- “why is it s hard to find what I’m passionate about?”
Glad you asked, cause that’s exactly what I’ll share with you in the audio today.
Listen in to Path Pointer #2 … and discover if you are motivated by something different
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Path Pointer #1: Your path is not a straight line

pathpointers podcastWelcome to this new section!
This is the very first in a series of short audios that I’ll call “Path Pointers”
These audios are designed to give you a quick tip, a distinction or a mindset shift, in order to help you find your path, walk your path, and share the contribution you are meant to bring into this world.

Path Pointer number 1: Your path is not a straight line Listen here Continue reading

The 3 essential P’s of a Purpose-Based Business

Have you ever asked yourself what makes a Purpose-based business different from a conventional one?

You could think that just because you know your purpose, and are putting it at the fore front of what you do, that would be enough to guarantee your success; as if some Cosmic Force would protect you and grant you your wish of making a living doing what you love.

I’m not saying “don’t believe in Spirit” (because I personally do) and I love being guided along the way in my business path. All that I’m saying is that apart from Continue reading

About me and my writing -a blog challenge

Coaches are known for asking a lot of questions. I’m curious by nature, you see, so it only made sense that I ended up becoming one.

Questions are valuable, but only if you ask the right ones.
For example, from all the telesummits I’ve listened to along the years, one has really stood up among all. And the reason was that they kept asking the same powerful questions to all the participants. It was great, and finally gave me a wonderful global understanding of the topic.

So when Nina Lenton shared this “chain of questions” blog post challenge, it got me interested right away.

And you know what? If you are not able to answer these questions for your own business (or soon to be business) it means Continue reading

Productivity 101: What the first sci-fi novel has to teach you about starting your business.

When you are starting a business, (or trying to take it off the ground) you are busy.
So many things to do…
so many things to learn…
and not enough time to do them all.

Your never-ending list of activities (if you are prone to making lists) will probably be something like this:
Writing blog post, posting on social media, designing you business logo, choosing the right theme for your WP site, getting some business cards, looking for images online, doubting about your domain name (“Should I change this one?”), creating your products…

If you are kind of overwhelmed with all the things you have to do to start your business or take it off the ground, let me tell you a secret:

As important as it is to Continue reading