Too many course ideas? (Here’s how to choose)

Too many course ideas? (Here’s how to choose)

I don’t know about you, but I tend to have lots of course ideas.

In fact, many more than I have the time -or the energy- for. 

It’s great, don’t get me wrong. It makes running a business much more juicy and fun. It’s pure creativity at its best. But it also has a downside: It’s really difficult to choose which idea to act upon. Agree? 

For example, take a look at my current situation:

Right now, on top of my business reinvention courses and coaching programs, I’d love to start a Dreamwork group for conscious solopreneurs, and I’m also tempted to start an English conversation club for Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs here in Madrid.

All those ideas sound inspiring to me. But honestly? I can’t possibly pursue them all. At least not at the same time.

You might be in a similar situation. 

Maybe you can help people solve many different problems. Maybe you got trained in many different modalities. Maybe you’re interested in many different things -and love them all! So choosing just one course or program idea seems impossible. But…

1) What if you don’t want to choose?

Let’s say that in a classical multi passionate style, you can’t let go of any of your ideas. And you really want to move forward with all of them. 

If that’s the case, let me share a couple truths with you:

First, from a pure business perspective, you need to know that people will associate you with just one thing, even if you do many. 

That’s just how the brain works.

If you try to get known for many different things two things can happen: Either people won’t remember you, or they will be unclear about what it is that you do. In both cases, you won’t come to mind when they need your services. 


You need a new perspective, so let me offer you a few, very useful mindset shifts… 

* Mindset shift #1 for multi passionate course creators:

You don’t need to put everything you love into one course.

And this is good news in a number of ways.

Creating a sequence of courses in which you cover different topics is better for yourself. It’s a much more sustainable business model. It allows you to have a suite of programs and courses that people can buy at different times.

And it’s also better for your audience, because we learn more easily when we focus on a small goal for a limited period of time, and then move on to a different goal in the next course.

Here is your second mindset shift: 

* Mindset shift #2 for multi passionate course creators:

You don’t need to bring all of your passions into your business for it to be fun and fulfilling.

Lots of self-help literature has led us to believe that we’re either feeling elated in our business, 100 % of the time, with every single activity we engage in… or it’s not enough. This idea that we have to put all of our passions into our business is counterproductive.

You know what? that’s simply not true and in fact, it’s impossible!

Some of the things you love, you’ll have to do them outside of your business, and that’s ok.

* Mindset shift #3 for multi passionate course creators:

“What I say YES to is important. But it’s even more important what I say NO to.”

This mantra was life-changing for me. It’s a reminder of two important facts of life. The fact that every time you say “yes” to one idea, you are saying “no” to other things. And vice-versa, you will have to say “no” to some course ideas, in order to be able to act upon the most inspiring ones.

In other words: prioritize your course ideas.

On a very practical level, you know that every new project will require your energy, your attention, your time, your mental – and even – your monetary resources. After all, you only have so much of those, agree?

And yet, even when you know all this, choosing doesn’t feel good because…

2) What if you pursued only a few of your course ideas? What would you miss?

Now you may be thinking: – “Okay. I see your point, but still can’t make myself choose.“

Know what? I totally get it. 

Sometimes, the resistance to focusing only on a few ideas comes from a deep need that hasn’t been sufficiently met yet. And one part of you is trying to help you get what you need…by engaging in so many projects.

Do you need more fun? A sense of freedom? Do you need to express more of yourself? It can be anything.

If this is the case, find your inner drivers and meet those needs outside of your business: Ask yourself two things: 

  1. If I couldn’t do this particular program, what would I be missing? 
  2. What’s an easier, happier, and more fulfilling way of getting my needs met?

But if you still can’t choose one idea to focus on… I’ve left the best for the end.

3) What if you didn’t have to choose? 

-“Charo, you’re really confusing me NOW. You’ve been trying to convince me to choose and now you’re telling me I don’t have to?” 

Yes and no. Bear with me on this one.

I’m not suggesting you put all of your creative ideas into one course, that will be definitely too much. What I’m saying is:
-Don’t be the one making the choice. 

Yes, it might sound a bit radical but it’s a very practical thing to do when you are in business.

This is how you do it: 

Put your explorer’s hat on. Set your mind into experimentation mode. Launch a series of tests. Take note of these:

-How do people react to your course idea? 
-Which course topics are they most interested in? 
-Will your audience pay for that program or online course? 

…And notice which course or program takes off. 

Those ideas are your winners. They are inspiring to you, -because you shared with them your more exciting ideas. right?- and to your ideal client, too. So create your online courses on those topics.

And the rest?

Just keep them as hobbies, activities you engage in to recharge your own batteries outside of work. Or sprinkle a few of those ideas into your content to make it unique to your style.

So here you have it. Next time you feel that high of inspiration from a new exciting course idea, thank the Muses and do this: 

1) Prioritize your course ideas.
2) Fulfill your inner needs in some other ways outside of your business. And
3) Let your clients decide. Then create and launch those courses. You’ll experience a lot less stress and much more fulfillment.

Now, it’s your time. Go put that creative, multi passionate mind of yours to work and tell me: Which one of your many course ideas will you put to the test first?

To your purpose, prosperity, and inner peace.
