Why pricing your offers is so difficult

corazon monedasSo you’ve been working hard crafting your offers. You’ve put together a valuable service or product that you know will help your ideal clients solve a problem.
And you are almost ready to offer that to the world, but, first, you still have to answer this question:

How much should I charge for this?

And that’s a question the will inevitably raise lots of fears, doubts, worries and can leave you with a knot in your stomach for several days.

Some people use an Outside-In approach to pricing. For example…

a) “Lets see what other professionals are charging for similar services”
The problem with that is that you will be able to find almost any range of prices out there, depending on who you look at. So doing it really doesn’t bring much clarity and you’ll likely end up as confused as before.

b) “Charge an amount that tells your clients your product is good and a high quality one” And even though that makes sense on one level, (it’s true that we are wired to value more the more expensive things), for your clients to feel comfortable and eager to say “yes!” to your products and services, you absolutely need to feel at peace with your price.

We know, from the experiments run by the Institute of HeartMath, that human beings can really sense other people’s feelings. From our hearts radiates a measurable field of electromagnetic energy that all of us are designed to perceive.

When you are feeling stress, when you are fearful, or worried, that energy field has a specific “wave pattern”, that others will perceive at an unconscious level, alerting them that something is wrong. (And I won’t go into depths here, but we also have mirror neurons in our bodies that help us feel what others are feeling, too)

c) And then is the mantra “Charge what your are worth”. If you can do it, good for you. But I can’t stop laughing (with sad eyes) about it cause self esteem and self confidence have never been on my bag of strenghts. So good luck with that one.

So please imagine this scene:

You’ve been talking to a potential client for 30 or 45 minutes, helping her identify the most pressing problems she has that you can help her solve. You’ve also helped her create a vision of what’s possible for her if she gets your help (with that program or service). But there is still one more step before she says “Yes!” to working with you.

You still have to answer her question: “How much does your program cost?”

Now, imagine yourself telling her a price that is NOT aligned with what your heart feels at peace with.

What do you think will happen? Knowing your potential client will feel your fears unconsciously, Do you really think she will feel motivated and happy to buy?

And that’s why, when it comes to pricing, heart-centered entrepreneurs and professionals (and yes, that means you) absolutely need to use an Inside-Out approach to pricing.

The right price for your product or service is the one that you can stand behind, on a mental, physical, emotional and energetic level.

And in a future article I’ll guide you thorough a process that you can use to find the right price for your offers. So you can choose a price that feels good in your heart, and is in integrity with who you truly are.

Any comments or questions? Please leave them below 🙂


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