Tag Archives: solopreneurs

Using dreams for guidance in uncertain times

Using dreams for guidance in uncertain times

How would you like to have a personal mentor, guiding you on your path, warning you about impending dangers, and helping you choose the right projects? 

And what if this mentor was available to you for any issue, without asking for money in return? 

Most people don’t know it, but we all have access to this type of help.

Call it intuition, your Higher Self, or a deeper intelligence…

the thing is we all have it. And receiving its wisdom is just a matter of learning how to communicate with it. 

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On emotions, service and your business (COVID-19 update)

On emotions, service and your business (COVID-19 update)

We’re getting into week number eight of our lockdown here in Madrid. 

Experts are beginning to worry about the psychological consequences of this confinement. 

So for the first time in eight weeks, adults are allowed to go for a walk… 

… as long as we keep social distancing rules, it’s shorter than an hour, and we don’t go farther than a kilometer away from our house. 

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How to feel more comfortable marketing your services

How to feel more comfortable marketing your services
How to feel more comfortable marketing your services

It’s very common to feel bad about putting ourselves out there.

We know we have to spread the word about our work but we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves with the big names in our industry and end up thinking we’re not good enough as we are.

When I created this blog back in 2013, I was full of doubts, even though I had been in business for several years with another blog.
I had thoughts like:

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