Tag Archives: George Kao

How to make a living when money does not motivate you

How to make a living when money does not motivate you

Money has never been the main reason I do what I do. I would continue building houses if that were the case. 

But the “Do what you love and money will follow” approach totally failed me. 

“Out of sight out of life” would be a much more accurate way to describe my situation for many years. 

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George Kao interviews Charo about Personal Branding

Do you feel invisible and like no one is paying attention to your content?
In this video, Personal Branding Coach Charo Pinilla will show you how to get noticed by people who value your work, in a way that is authentic, in integrity and with heart.

In this interview, we discuss…
* Why it’s important to stand out and differentiate in today’s online world.
* How your personality type influences how you talk about your work
* Why people might be ignoring your content even if it’s in front of their eyes.
* 3 tips on how to make your content more attention-worthy, healing, and authentic.

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