Tag Archives: fulfilling career

Find your Path: How to get back in touch with your inspiration

When you were a child you knew exactly what you loved to do.

Back then, if you had a typical, regular childhood, you could easily get lost in any activity that drew your attention. You could explore any path that fascinated you. For some time, you could be, well… just YOU.

No guilt. No shame. No shoulds.

But trying to do what you love as an adult, it’s Continue reading

Career Change: When does your career change journey really begin? (it will surprise you)

career change journeyMost of us fell into our careers.

It wasn’t a conscious choice based on what would make us happy. Instead, a mixture of chance, false expectations, pressure from our parents, unrealistic dreams and pure misinformation led many of us into a career path of frustration and disappointment.

No wonder then that around 30 or 40, after we’ve spent some time dealing with the hard reality of a soulless job, we come to the conclusion that what we are doing it’s no longer enough.

We feel that something important is missing. And that dissatisfaction it’s Continue reading

What career would suit me? The 3 critical factors to discover your ideal career

The “What-career-would-suit-me” question carries a lot of wisdom in itself, because it acknowledges the fact that some careers WON’T be the right fit for you.

Ask anyone who’s ever felt trapped in a soul sucking job and they will confirm you that some careers choices will lead you to disappointment and frustration.

But how do you find the careers that would suit you like a glove?

In this article, I’ll share with you the 3 critical factors you need to keep in mind when evaluating any potential career path.

I’ll tell you exactly how to do that in a moment, but first let me explain what these 3 factors are. Continue reading