Category Archives: Clarify Your Message

Messaging 101: How solid is your business message?

(If you prefer to read, there is below a transcript slightly edited for you to read. Enjoy!)

How solid is your business message?
Is it solid enough to sustain you and sustain your clients long-term?

Because if not, then nobody will be able to understand what it is that you do. 

People won’t come asking for your help if you don’t have that bedrock, that great foundation of a clear marketing message in your business.

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How to feel good when selling your services (what I learned from an 8-year-old)

How to feel good when selling your services (what I learned from 8-year-old)

Strolling along the aisles of my local mall I overheard a child saying:

-Mom, you want to buy me this.
-No. I don’t -was her answer.
-Yes. You do- the child replied back.

I took a quick glance at my right side and saw an eight-year-old or so carrying a bag of chocolate cookies in his arms.

I smiled both at his naivete and his persistence because I have to admit…

… I could relate so much with his frustration!
We are in the business of change, but…

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Branding Q&A: Should you mention your modality when you talk about your work?

If you prefer to read, this is the transcript roughly edited for better reading experience.

Hi, Charo here.
Today I want to share with you something that I’m noticing, and it’s so common among coaches, holistic practitioners, and healers of any kind.

And it’s this:
When we talk about our work, we tend to talk about our modality a lot.
In fact, too much and too soon.

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Be known as an expert by niching down (on a topic you love)

Be known as an expert by niching down (on a topic you love)

When you have lots of interests, It seems impossible to focus on just one thing. Multi-passionate people are in a never-ending quest for growth and learning.

We are very curious -yep, that’s also me- so we keep adding more and more techniques to our toolbox, right?

So when we finally take our business seriously,  like in “ -Hey, Now I really need to make money with this”, one of the first pieces of advice we encounter is to niche down. 

And it sounds sooooo restrictive!

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The spiritual lesson of choosing your niche

The spiritual lesson of choosing your niche

Are you resisting the idea of choosing a niche? There is a saying: “What you resist, persists” that applies to what most coaches, healers and therapists do when it comes to finding their niche. 

Guess what they are really doing by resisting to find their niche? They are persisting in staying invisible, in not being heard, seen nor found by those who need their help.

Because, what is really a niche? 

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Why we need to communicate from our values (and how to do it)

Why we need to communicate from our values

At the time of writing this article (August 2019), more than four million one hundred and forty-seven blog posts are being published today, according to worldometers.

That can be a good thing.

It means you literally have information about every topic under the sun at your fingertips.

But as it’s always the case, this saturation of information also has a shadow side:

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Branding 101: What do you want to be known for?

Branding: 101 What do you want to be known for?

Have you ever had all friends recommending you the same book?

“Oh, you should read this book. It’s about building a cathedral”. -my brother told me.

A few days later while having coffee with a friend, she said: “I was reading this book and you kept coming to mind. You need to read it!”.

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Your message: 3 Brain-based facts that will help you craft a more memorable message

3 Brain based facts that will help you craft a more memorable message
3 Brain based facts that will help you craft a more memorable message

We carry within us the wisdom gathered by our ancestors. From the very beginning of our species, two million years ago, all the lessons on how to survive and thrive go stored in us.

It’s fascinating to discover we still carry that information in our DNA and our brain…

But what’s more interesting to me is Continue reading

Brand Alignment: How to add depth and meaning to your brand

I’m sure you’ve noticed it, too. We’re exposed to so much information that we pay less and less attention to any of it.

Our brains, in order to cope with this information overload, have learned to shut down and filter everything that is irrelevant to us.

So almost everything is ignored.

The same is true for your clients, by the way. They scroll through their feeds, ignoring most of what they see and hear.

And that’s a huge problem for those of us in business, because…

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