Category Archives: Branding Tips

What is a signature system? (And why should you care?)

What is a signature system? (And why should you care?)
What is a signature system? (And why should you care?)

I can only say good things about having your own proprietary process, or signature solution as I like to call it.

It changed my life.

I created my first signature process (my F.A.C.I.L. Career Change system) back in 2009 while attending “Purposeful Branding Secrets” with Marcia Bench. It was my very first encounter with the idea of a signature system.

And it made such a difference!

But what is exactly a signature system? And more importantly, why should you care?

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Branding 101: Which flavor would your brand be?

Branding 101: Which flavor would your brand be?

There are some weird questions that branding professionals make.
Questions that might seem useless -or even a bit nuts- until you get the gist of what they are trying to unveil.

Don’t try to answer them from your logical brain. They are designed to connect with a deeper, primordial part of yourself. We could even say that they are trying to speak to your soul.

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What is your brand’s song?

What is your brand's song?
What is your brand’s song?

Take any famous movie saga. Be it the old Indiana Jones’ series, Harry Potter or my fav of all times: Star Wars.

There is a reason why we remember those movies so well. And it’s not just because of the story.

They all use a technique that, when applied to your business, can help you been remembered by those who love your work.

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Brand Alignment: How to add depth and meaning to your brand

I’m sure you’ve noticed it, too. We’re exposed to so much information that we pay less and less attention to any of it.

Our brains, in order to cope with this information overload, have learned to shut down and filter everything that is irrelevant to us.

So almost everything is ignored.

The same is true for your clients, by the way. They scroll through their feeds, ignoring most of what they see and hear.

And that’s a huge problem for those of us in business, because…

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Brand Alignment Q&A: Are my clients exactly like me?


After attending one of my Stand Out by Being You workshops, a participant sent me this comment:
“I believe I do my best work with clients who are not at all like me. But when you talked about archetypes in your course, I understood you said that our best clients are those who are like us.”

This article is my answer to the question: Are my clients exactly like me? Continue reading

Your Ideal Client: Where can you find your ideal clients?

Your Ideal Client: Where can you find your ideal clients?

When you are in business, (and you are the minute you start charging for your coaching, consulting or healing), you need to know who your ideal clients are.

As I shared in my article: Understand who your ideal clients are, a lot of your business success depends on you figuring that out.

So many decisions are based on who your clients are, from the type of content you’ll create, the topics you’ll cover, to the problems you’ll solve with your services. Because all is tied to who your ideal clients are, the sooner you figure out who you love to work with, the better.

You might need a bit of experience working with people before you can identify commonalities between them, but you can also use Continue reading

Your Ideal Clients: A Neuroscience tip to connect authentically with your clients

Our minds are incredible problem-solving devices. From the million of things going on around us, they only pay attention to those that are relevant to us at the moment.

Have you ever bought a new car, only to see if everywhere afterwards? Or your best friend shares with you she’s pregnant and all of a sudden you notice every future mum wherever you go?

This happens due to what neuroscientists call the Continue reading

How to overcome your lack of confidence (and become an expert in your field)

This may come out as a surprise to you, but way too many coaches and healers who are great at what they do, secretly fear they are not good enough.

“ Who am I do this?” -they wonder.

They get credential after credential, go from class to class and yet, they never feel like they are ready to do the work they do.

And that keeps them from taking the actions that would make them Continue reading

Stand out: How to create a conscious connection with your ideal clients

In this day and age when everything goes so fast, we’ve lost the capacity for attention.

Our emails are flooded, our Facebook feeds are non-stop, and not to mention the webinars we want to attend. Who has the time -and attention- for all that?

The same is going on for your potential clients.

If you are in any way like me, you built a business to Continue reading