Category Archives: Archetypes

Why use archetypes in your business?
There are many reasons, here you’ll find them. :-)

Your Ideal Client: Where can you find your ideal clients?

Your Ideal Client: Where can you find your ideal clients?

When you are in business, (and you are the minute you start charging for your coaching, consulting or healing), you need to know who your ideal clients are.

As I shared in my article: Understand who your ideal clients are, a lot of your business success depends on you figuring that out.

So many decisions are based on who your clients are, from the type of content you’ll create, the topics you’ll cover, to the problems you’ll solve with your services. Because all is tied to who your ideal clients are, the sooner you figure out who you love to work with, the better.

You might need a bit of experience working with people before you can identify commonalities between them, but you can also use Continue reading

Stand out: How to create a conscious connection with your ideal clients

In this day and age when everything goes so fast, we’ve lost the capacity for attention.

Our emails are flooded, our Facebook feeds are non-stop, and not to mention the webinars we want to attend. Who has the time -and attention- for all that?

The same is going on for your potential clients.

If you are in any way like me, you built a business to Continue reading

Career Personality Test: The best personality tests for career happiness

best personality testsYou’ll never be happy in a career that is misaligned with your values or doesn’t allow you to play to your strengths. Period.

And so, many of us ended up at the wrong career because we lacked enough clarity about who we are and what’s important to us. Because, to put it simply, knowing who you are is an essential requirement for career happiness. Continue reading