Top 5 Personality Tests (part 3): Myers Briggs Type Indicator

(This article is part 3 of a series about personality test for career happiness. If you haven’t read previous parts, you can find them here: Top 5 Career Personality Tests (includes links to parts 1 and 2)

The Myers Briggs is probably the most known personality test around.

Based on the works of Carl Jung, it has been widely used among career coaches over the years.

But it is much more than just a career tool, as you’re about to discover.

Have you ever tried to discover if you are an Introvert or an Extrovert?
Because if you have, you’ve been using Jung’s theories on personality types maybe unknowingly.

Understanding your Myers Briggs personality type

Let’s say you take an online test to discover your Myers Briggs personality type. After answering a bunch of questions, you’ll end up with a four letter code.

It looks something like this: INFP (my personality type, btw) ESFJ, ENTP, etc.

That is your most probable personality type is. (Ethically, noone can tell you what your personality type is, but they can guide you to find it for yourself)

Discovering your personality type means you figure out a few things like:

  • Do you recharge your batteries by being alone? (introvert or I) or
  • Does spending time with others energize you? (extrovert or E)
  • Do you prefer tangible, down to earth and measurable pieces of information? (sensory or S) or
  • Do you trust your flashes of inspiration more than anything else? (intuitive or N)
  • *Do you make decisions based on logic and a rational analysis? (thinker or T) or
  • Are you guided by the values of your heart? (feeler or F)
  • Are you quick at making decisions? (judger or J) or
  • Do you prefer to gather as much information as possible before committing to a certain course of action? (perceiver or P)

3 Things to keep in mind with the Myers Briggs personality test

But there are a few things you need to know:

1) There are no good or bad results in the Myers Briggs.

All types are equally valuable. All ways of gathering information and all ways of making decisions have pros and cons. Depending on the moment one can have more advantages than the other, that’s all.
But remember, if you have to, you can use your non preferred way of doing things.

2) These are only Preferences.
We are talking about preferences here, not about limitations. You might prefer to gather as much information as possible, but it doesn’t mean you can make a decision quickly if you need to, for example. It’s only that you prefer one way over the other, very similar to the hand you prefer to write.

You are not limited, and no matter what type you are, there is a bit of the other side in you as well.

3) Knowing your personality type does NOT put you in a box
Again, this test is showing your preferred way of living, but you can always change.
This is just a map to what feels better and natural to you, and what you enjoy doing based on  your natural wiring.

But you will evolve and grow, and the Myers Briggs personality type reflects that (if you know where to look at). I promise to write another article about this. But for now, lets see how you can learn more about your own personality type.

How to find your personality type

I’m currently giving the final touches to the “Your Personal Map to Meaning” Quiz designed to help you gain the a better understanding of who you truly are.

If you want to be notified once is ready,  just fill up this form  I’ll make sure you get access to it a soon as it’s ready. (Coming soon!))






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