Tag Archives: starting a business

A little secret about getting paid for your passions (almost nobody shares)

You want to do what you love. I’ve talked a lot in this blog about how to find that thing you’d love to do. That’s the easy part. (and if you’re still struggling with that, make sure to grab my Career Clarity Cards, my gift to you)

However, there is a second part to the story. Yes, the story that goes: “Do what you love and money will follow” I’m sure you’ve heard of it.

The thing is… for most of us, it didn’t work like that.
Isn’t it time I share a bit about what it really takes to get paid for your passions?
Because it’s kind of a dirty little secret no one wants to talk about. Continue reading

Career Change 101: The 3 Basic Pillars to a fulfilling and financially viable career

 pillars career changeAs a coach, I’ve become a bit obsessed with finding the perfect questions.

Questions are powerful tools since they help our minds to focus. And when we focus, inspiring ideas and powerful insights can come to us that have the potential to change our lives for the better.
That’s the beauty of coaching.

But at times, questions seem to “find” me.

Recently, a friend asked me this:
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21 Questions to discover your Purpose, create Prosperity and live from Inner Peace.

Many of us who already are (or dream of becoming) a heart-centered entrepreneur, arrived at a crossroad of uncertainty in our lives.

A strong dissatisfaction and frustration are typically the first signs that our professional lives aren’t working anymore. And no matter how painful this is, it means we Continue reading

Productivity 101: What the first sci-fi novel has to teach you about starting your business.

When you are starting a business, (or trying to take it off the ground) you are busy.
So many things to do…
so many things to learn…
and not enough time to do them all.

Your never-ending list of activities (if you are prone to making lists) will probably be something like this:
Writing blog post, posting on social media, designing you business logo, choosing the right theme for your WP site, getting some business cards, looking for images online, doubting about your domain name (“Should I change this one?”), creating your products…

If you are kind of overwhelmed with all the things you have to do to start your business or take it off the ground, let me tell you a secret:

As important as it is to Continue reading

The 3 foundational elements you absolutely MUST have clarity about before launching your biz.

3 foundations Most heart-centered professionals take their first steps into entrepreneurship with a very incomplete vision of what they really need to build a business. No doubt they put a lot of love, time and effort to lauch it, but then they spend months struggling because nobody seems to want what they have to offer. Ouch!

The reason why this happens is because they lack a real clarity about the 3 foundational elements upon which every sustainable biz is built upon.

Yes, most probably than not, these caring, heart-centered professionals took the time to do a bit of soul-search: Continue reading

What if nobody wants what you have to offer?

que-hacerWith respect to your life purpose, what do you think it’s worse?
…having no idea about what your life purpose might be?
…being crystal clear about what it is but being unable to make it a reality? or
…putting all of your heart, time and energy into a purposeful project, only to watch it fail?

If I have to be sincere, in my opinion the third is the worst of all.

And I know, by some of the questions I’ve received lately, that some of the readers of my blog are struggling witht that problem.

Maybe because I’ve seen it more times that I would like, maybe because in many of my previous businesses I’ve struggled with it myself, but the truth is that Continue reading