Tag Archives: eft tapping scripts

How to overcome your fear of change (a weird personal story)

Who hasn’t been stuck for days and days because what you needed to do was stirring some uncomfortable feelings?
As a highly sensitive person myself, one of the biggest obstacles I’ve encountered in my life and my career, is my own emotional distress.

I’ve never shared this publicly before, but in my previous career as a Building Engineer I had to deal with my own fear, ALL the time.

Part of my job, consisted of Continue reading

The 3 essential P’s of a Purpose-Based Business

Have you ever asked yourself what makes a Purpose-based business different from a conventional one?

You could think that just because you know your purpose, and are putting it at the fore front of what you do, that would be enough to guarantee your success; as if some Cosmic Force would protect you and grant you your wish of making a living doing what you love.

I’m not saying “don’t believe in Spirit” (because I personally do) and I love being guided along the way in my business path. All that I’m saying is that apart from Continue reading

Tapping anxiety away: What if nobody shows up to my event?

Are you planning or preparing an event but worried that nobody will come? If you feel the anxiety in our body as you get closer to the day of your event, this audio is perfect for you.

I’ve created this tapping sequence to help you release the fears, worries, self-doubts that all of us go through as the day of the event approaches.

With this sequence my intention is to help you feel calmer so you enjoy the whole process of running your event, not only while you do it but even before you do it.

This audio is free to all my subscribers during the month of july., Each month I share one eft tapping script recorded as an mp3. If you still haven’t subscribed, get your free monthly audio by visiting: Monthly Tapping Tips for Inner Peace in your Business