Tag Archives: career personality quiz

What my thyroid taugh me about doing work I love

Back then in 2002, I was working as an Architect.

After everything I had invested to get there: the long years, tons of personal effort and money into getting my credentials…  I wasn’t happy.

Everyone around me thought I was living the dream, but honestly, it was all just a facade.
I was feeling very miserable, knowing I was compromising a huge part of who I was just to Continue reading

Do what you love: Top 5 advantages of doing work in alignment with who you are

How much do you like it when you’re forced to be someone other than who you truly are?
I guess not too much…

Because going against your natural grain demands an extra, constant amount of energy on your part, it is really draining. And thus it’s not sustainable.

On the contrary, doing work that is in alignment with who you are, has many, Continue reading

Top 5 personality tests (part 2): Discover your strengths with the Strengths Finder Assesstment

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase: “Play to your Strengths”
But has anyone ever encouraged you to do exactly that?

Lucky you if you had that kind of support around you, but I doubt it. It’s not very common.

So what are exactly your strengths?

Marcus Buckingham, author of “Now. Discover your strengths” and “Go put your strengths to work” defines strengths as those activities that when you do them leaves you feeling energized.

The thing is, how do you find your strengths? Continue reading

Top 5 Personality Tests Series: (Part 1) Multiple Intelligences

best-personality-testsIn my last article, I shared with you what I consider to be the most useful personality tests.
I’ve found them and used them all myself in my quest for purpose.

I believe that understanding yourself (and others) is a must if you’re serious about creating a fulfilling career and life.

Because it’s impossible to choose a path in alignment with your authentic self when you have no idea who you truly are, right?

Today starts a series of articles where Continue reading

Career Personality Test: 3 Reasons to use several personality test

Career PersonalityThere are many personality tests out there to help you gain a better understanding of yourself. And since knowing who you are is key to career happiness, you’ll benefit tremendously from using them.

The thing with personality tests is that each one uses a different language, they look at you from a slightly different perspective, giving you a different type information about who you are, and what’s more important in my opinion,* some of those* tests will resonate with you and others won’t.

The problem with relying on just one personality test is that it limits you too much. You can miss relevant information and it can even be counterproductive.

If only for that, it’s worth using Continue reading