Category Archives: Get paid to do what you love

Too many course ideas? (Here’s how to choose)

Too many course ideas? (Here’s how to choose)

I don’t know about you, but I tend to have lots of course ideas.

In fact, many more than I have the time -or the energy- for. 

It’s great, don’t get me wrong. It makes running a business much more juicy and fun. It’s pure creativity at its best. But it also has a downside: It’s really difficult to choose which idea to act upon. Agree? 

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10 Benefits of creating your own online course

10 Benefits of creating your own online course

Ever thought of creating an online course?

It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself and for your clients.

I’m not exaggerating when I say online courses have saved my sanity many times over.
When my father had to stay at the hospital for months, I had to stop working with clients…

What did I do to overcome my frustration?

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How to make a living when money does not motivate you

How to make a living when money does not motivate you

Money has never been the main reason I do what I do. I would continue building houses if that were the case. 

But the “Do what you love and money will follow” approach totally failed me. 

“Out of sight out of life” would be a much more accurate way to describe my situation for many years. 

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Uncomfortable charging for your work? Interview with Liesel Teversham

Uncomfortable charging for your services? Liesel Teversham

Do you find it hard to charge for your services?
Do you find it hard to talk about money with your clients? or
Are you uncomfortable receiving money in exchange for your work?

In this interview with Liesel Teversham you’ll learn:

* The 3 principles of why we struggle with money.
* How our sensibility influences our relationship with our clients and charging for money.
* The role of conflict and our way of dealing with it as sensitive people
* Why understanding our strengths is so helpful.
* A tapping sequence to release the fear of charging for our work.

(And in case you prefer to read, here you have the main takeaways from this interview)

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The spiritual lesson of choosing your niche

The spiritual lesson of choosing your niche

Are you resisting the idea of choosing a niche? There is a saying: “What you resist, persists” that applies to what most coaches, healers and therapists do when it comes to finding their niche. 

Guess what they are really doing by resisting to find their niche? They are persisting in staying invisible, in not being heard, seen nor found by those who need their help.

Because, what is really a niche? 

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A little secret about getting paid for your passions (almost nobody shares)

You want to do what you love. I’ve talked a lot in this blog about how to find that thing you’d love to do. That’s the easy part. (and if you’re still struggling with that, make sure to grab my Career Clarity Cards, my gift to you)

However, there is a second part to the story. Yes, the story that goes: “Do what you love and money will follow” I’m sure you’ve heard of it.

The thing is… for most of us, it didn’t work like that.
Isn’t it time I share a bit about what it really takes to get paid for your passions?
Because it’s kind of a dirty little secret no one wants to talk about. Continue reading

Career Change 101: The 3 Basic Pillars to a fulfilling and financially viable career

 pillars career changeAs a coach, I’ve become a bit obsessed with finding the perfect questions.

Questions are powerful tools since they help our minds to focus. And when we focus, inspiring ideas and powerful insights can come to us that have the potential to change our lives for the better.
That’s the beauty of coaching.

But at times, questions seem to “find” me.

Recently, a friend asked me this:
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Career Change Ideas: 5 Universal Laws of Career Fulfillment

5 universal laws of career fulfillmentYou want to enjoy fulfilling work, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article, right?
But when you are planning a career change, how do you know if a the new career you are considering moving into, will be fulfilling for you or not?

Either if you are planning a career change or if you urgently need to feel better in your current job, knowing these 5 career fulfillment laws will help you. Continue reading

Career Change: How to avoid making a career change mistake, again!

How to avoid making a career changeFor those of us changing careers in midlife, choosing our next career path feels like we are making the ULTIMATE decision.

We are well aware of the time, effort and money we devoted in our younger years to become an expert on the field that is no longer fulfilling for us.

So if you ask me, “Is there anything worst than staying in a meaningless job?”

I’d say: Continue reading

Do what you love: How to figure out what you want to be doing with your life

How to figure outWhen it comes to finding clarity about what it is you want to be doing with your life, there are two major lines of thought.

And interestingly enough, noticing which one resonates the most with you will tell you things about your personality.

Are you curious to know more? Let me share Continue reading